Site tests, Geotechnical Laboratory Tests, Environmental Surveys, Geophysical Surveys and Geological Consulting

Authorized geotechnical laboratory by Decree of Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport No. 8502 of 22/12/2009

Site tests

We perform mechanical surveys on any morphology or any complex area (indoor, mountain, urban, seashore), both with core-destruction or with collection of undisturbed samples. We also offer down-hole and cross-hole tests. Read more about Site tests →

Geotecnical laboratory tests

We offer laboratory geotecnical tests to measure chemical-physical, volumetric and granulometric properties of samples. Read more about Geotecnical laboratory tests →

Environmental surveys

Assessment of stratigrafy, of underground hydrology, of geotecnical properties of soils. Analysis of chemical-physical properties of soils and groundwater, environmental monitoring of waste dumps and pollutants. Read more about Environmental surveys →

Geophysical surveys

We offer geophysical surveys to assess seismic parameters of study areas, by using advanced techniques such as MASW, Cross-Hole, Down-Hole, Georadar. Read more about Geophysical surveys →

Geological Consulting

Geotecnica Ricci s.r.l. offers geological consulting services for sites and fields of any complexity and lithology Geological Consulting →
