
Our company, fields of work, certifications and authorizations

Our company link

Geotecnica Ricci s.r.l. is of recent constitution but has deep roots dating back to 1949, when the Cavaliere del Lavoro Angelo Ricci founded the company, which was active in the fields of Lavori Pubblici, public and private buildings.

With the contribution of Dr. Geol. Renato Ricci (2nd generation) and Dr. Geol. Angelo Ricci (3rd generation) the field of work was extended in the field of geognostic, geotechnical and geophysical investigations, in consolidation works, water research and environmental monitoring.

Geotechnics Ricci has developed a fifty-year experience with the prodromal companies, "Geotecnica Ricci", sole proprietorship, and Co.Ge.Con. s.r.l, operating since 1969 in the field of services supporting the design of civil engineering works.

The issuing of rules and regulations to protect the safety of the buildings and the territory, as well as the requests coming from the market, have led the Management to extend the activity in the field of geophysical surveys, monitoring, water research, environmental investigations for Public Authorities and private, and for companies of national and international interest.

The breadth and depth of the acquired professional skills, as well as the possession of adequate equipment, make it possible to meet the most varied design requirements, providing the most suitable solutions, from a technical and economic point of view, regardless of the environmental conditions in which we work.

Fields of work link

Investigations are carried out for the design of foundations of civil and industrial buildings, for the construction of roads, highways, railways, dams, airports, heliports, quarries, landfills, for the study of landslides, for the consolidation of landslide areas and distressed buildings

The surveys are carried out with a high quality standard using suitable equipment, highly motivated and specialized personnel, performing the periodic calibration of all the measurement equipment and operating in strict compliance with national and international standards.

The services provided concern in particular the following fields:

  • Planning of on-site investigations and laboratory geotechnical tests
  • Drilling and sampling on land and at sea
  • Site tests
  • Geotechnical laboratory tests
  • Geophysical surveys
  • Landslide monitoring
  • Environmental surveys
  • Characterization of polluted sites
  • Mining research
  • Under-foundation micropoles
  • Geological consulting

Quality link

Geotecnica Ricci is in possession of the following authorizations and certificates

Ministerial authorization link

Authorized by D.M. n. 8502 del 22/12/2009, pursuant to art. 59 of the D.P.R. 380/2001, to execute

  • Execution and certification of land tests - Sector A: execution and certification of land tests (circular No. 7618 / STC of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport). Renewal of Ministerial Decree of 03/15/2013
  • Execution and certification of geognostic surveys, taking samples and on-site tests (circular No. 7619 / STC of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport)

349/STC Prescriptions link

Geotecnica Ricci s.r.l. has complied with the requirements of circular 349 / STC regarding the statute, the personnel, the premises, the equipment, the quality guarantees, the test procedures, the test certificates, the periodic calibration of the measuring instruments.

UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 link

It has implemented and maintains a quality management system that meets the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard, certified by ICIM with no. 3046/1 of 05/31/2004.

SOA Certificate link

It has a SOA Certificate (see document), provided for by the D.P.R. 34/2000, for category OS20-B, class II, certificate no. 17855AL / 17/00 issued by La Soatech S.p.A.

"SPECIAL STRUCTURAL WORKS It concerns the construction of works destined to transfer the loads of manufactured articles resting on lands not suitable to bear the same loads, of works destined to confer to the soils characteristics of resistance and indeformability such to make stable the tax of the manufactured articles and to prevent geological disruptions, works to make existing and functioning structures as well as carrying out geognostic investigations as antisimics.It includes, by way of example, the execution of poles of any kind, of foundations, of piling and special retaining walls, of anchorages , of works to restore the static functionality of the structures, the execution of surveys and exploration of the subsoil by special means, including the taking of samples to be analyzed in the laboratory for geotechnical relations as well as the execution of load tests, of wells, of works to guarantee the stability of the slopes and special processes for drying, the impermeabilization and consolidation of land. "
